Birds can be fascinating to watch and are a great addition to your garden when you place food for them.
However, it’s a whole other story if they choose to nest on your rooftop. But what kind of birds are likely to cause trouble? Here are our top four.
1) Starlings
Starlings provide a fantastic spectacle when flying around in large numbers. However, if they take up residence in your home’s soffit or fascia areas, they’ll cause a lot of trouble. Starlings can be very noisy at night, and preventing them from nesting is vital. Therefore, you should proof all entry points using mesh, which causes starlings to look for other places to nest instead.
2) House Martins
These birds like to nest underneath eaves on the outside of your property. Although their nests look tidy, they often leave unsightly droppings on the ground below. When their nest is removed, it can also leave a stain on the wall.
You should install a ‘nest stop’ to prevent them from nesting. This proofing means the mud they use to build their nest can’t stick to the wall, so they’ll go looking elsewhere.
3) Pigeons
Pigeons aren’t the most popular birds in the UK and are known to be a nuisance. They occupy many towns and cities, scavenging for food on pavements and bins. To ensure pigeons don’t perch on the exterior of your building, place nets and spikes to ward them off. Pigeons breed throughout the year, and their numbers grow fast, so implement preventative measures quickly.
4) Swifts
Swifts prefer nesting in taller buildings, such as churches, and sometimes in flats or the roofs of townhouses. Their noise is often the first giveaway of their presence.
Spring is the ideal season to deal with birds before the chicks hatch. However, avoiding removing them yourself is best, as nesting birds are protected under UK law.
Birds aren’t always a problem; if you install bird boxes wherever you can, you can allow them near your property.
However, when things get out of control, call a professional pest controller to discuss and assess the problem.